Do you worry about being photographed? Is it stopping you from booking a photoshoot…? Relax, I’m here to help with my top tips for overcoming camera shyness.

You are not alone. For many people, being photographed is a scary proposition. We all have fears & insecurities & in front of the camera, these self-doubts can be magnified.

There is no hiding from the camera & when we’re feeling shy, it’s hard to move outside of our comfort zone.

Tips to overcome camera shyness a woman with sunglasses on her head standing in front of a graffiti wall

But what causes camera shyness?

We’ve all heard it…

“Don’t look at me!”

“I don’t like being watched.” 

“I don’t like being the centre of attention.”

There are scientific terms for it. Scopophobia is the fear of being looked at whilst Eisoptrophobia is the fear of seeing your own reflection.

Even if you are not a Scopophobic, the Harvard Business Review says that fear is a natural human response when being watched.

In prehistoric times, humans perceived watching eyes as a threat. Our body interprets the watcher as a potential predator, even when they’re just a friendly photographer!

However friendly the photographer is, nervousness is a perfectly natural reaction to the camera. So to help create a sparkle of confidence in front of the camera, here are my top tips for overcoming camera shyness.

Tips for overcoming camera shyness

8 top tips for overcoming camera shyness ✨

1. Trust your photographer

Trust is the key ingredient to any relationship & this is true for the relationship you have with your photographer.

You’re opening up to both them & their camera. You need to trust that they will capture your true likeness in a sympathetic manner.

A business woman laughs during her brand photography shoot in Croydon, Surrey

2. Be Yourself

The more natural you feel the more relaxed you will be in front of the camera.

Don’t make too many changes to your appearance before you are photographed. Now is not the time for trying out a new haircut or lip colour.

If you usually wear jeans & a comfy top, don’t feel that you need to put on a dress for your photo shoot. We want to capture the real you & sometimes camera shyness comes from a place of uncertainty. 

Tips for overcoming camera shyness, be yourself! A business woman wears a hat

3. Wear something comfortable

One of the best ways to be comfortable in front of the camera is to feel comfortable. 

Wear clothes that are comfortable & make you feel at ease. A too-tight pair of jeans or shoes pinching your feet will make you uncomfortable. This physical discomfort will increase your hesitancy in front of the camera & this will show in your body language & expression.

Pick something that you feel confident wearing to help you feel comfortable & relaxed.

wear something comfortable to overcome camera shyness. A woman in a blue cardigan.

4. Wear something that makes you feel like you can take on the world! 🤩

We all have that one outfit that makes us feel like a star; that dress that gives us a confidence boost every time we slip into it.

Wear that dress. Wear something that makes you feel like you can take on the world! When you feel like a star, suddenly that shyness disappears.

Tips to overcome camera shyness, wear something that makes you feel like you can take on the world! A woman in a green dress stands by a white wall.

5. Smile! 🙂

“A Smile is happiness you’ll find right under your nose”.

Studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, natural painkillers & serotonin. Together these three things make us feel good from head to toe. These natural chemicals elevate your mood, relax your body & reduce physical pain. 

As well as the physical & feel-good benefits, smiles attract people. A smile makes you look friendly, welcoming & approachable.

While it may not seem easy at first, smiling can influence your inner state. The more you smile, the more you will relax & seem natural on camera.

Tips to overcoming camera shyness - smile!

6. Remove the audience & minimise distractions

Choose a quiet location for your shoot. If you’re shy, make sure there is no one else in the room with you other than your photographer to minimise distractions.

A yoga teacher lying on the grass with her dog on her back.

7. Choose a familiar space

Like your clothing choices above, choose a location for your shoot that you feel comfortable in. Being relaxed in your environment will put you at ease & help relax your mind & body.

If you work from home, your most comfortable space may be at home (but please see tip number 6 re. helpful partners, children & animals…!).

Tips to overcome camera shyness, choose a familiar space. A business woman sitting on a sofa at home.

8. Have a plan

Often our biggest anxieties come from the unknown.

Make sure you thoroughly plan your shoot with your photographer. Knowing what is going to happen, where, when & why will enable you to prepare accordingly. This will reduce any anxiety you have about the unexpected.

With the logistics & practicalities of your shoot under control, you can then focus on preparing yourself. The better prepared you are, the more enjoyable the shoot will be.

a woman standing in front of stone steps smiling.

Tips for overcoming camera shyness… it’s completely normal!

And finally, camera shyness is completely normal! It’s perfectly common to feel uneasy whilst in front of the camera. Celebs aside, being professionally photographed isn’t something we do every day.

Increase your boldness in front of the camera by using these tips.

I am a professional photographer based in Croydon, South London. Specialising in branding & headshot photography for businesses, I have 10+ years of experience in the photographic industry. During this time, I have photographed hundreds of people & am an expert at making people feel comfortable in front of my camera.

Want to find out more about how I can guide & coach you through your photo shoot to help reduce camera shyness?